She was born in Morocco and is 75 years old. She is married to Jean-Louis Servan-Schreiber with no children. She is the grandmother of 8 grandchildren. She has worked for 20 years in marketing and advertising for women’s magazines Elle and Marie-Claire. For the next 10 years, she published 3 essays and worked on creating cooking books, her passion. She then went back to working in the press for another 20 years, to revive and manage, with her husband Jean-Louis Servan-Schreiber, the magazines Psychologies Magazines and then CLES. Today, Perla. Servan-Schreiber created studioperla, a studio that writes inspiring and engaging editorials for brands, companies and other medias. Perla Servan-Schreiber is the author of 6 books of which : – « La féminité, de la liberté au bonheur », Stock 1994 – « Le Bonheur de cuisiner » Editions Lamartinière, 2010 – « Ce que la vie m’a appris » Flammarion 2017 …. And creates innovative videos on Facebook, « la minute Perla », with the team of the very successful mylittleparis on the theme of heritage « ce que la vie m’a appris » [what life taught me].