Laura Kriefman
Laura Kriefman is an Architectural Choreographer. She is a 2016 INK Fellow, 2015 WIRED Magazine/The Space Creative Fellow and a 2011-2012 Fellow of the Clore Cultural Leadership Programme. Her company Guerilla Dance Project www.guerilladanceproject.com have won multiple awards for digital innovation and specialise in Augmented Dance: the fusion between movement and technology. Resident at the Pervasive Media Studio, Bristol, they create interactive installations and spectacles that have been commissioned worldwide including USA, Brazil, Ireland, Croatia, Europe, India, and Indonesia. Laura recently closed TedXRoma with a talk about her work in Augmented Dance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28ePdBRH6xA Laura opened TedXLondon with a talkon her project Mass Crane Dance: a spectacular meeting of music, light, and synchronised construction cranes dancing across the skylight at night. www.masscranedance.org https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uh18FQs-NBc